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“Words aren’t enough to express my gratitude for all that you have done for me and my family. God has given you a sweet, caring spirit for others. I am grateful for you in my life. You are a direct answer to my prayers.”

– A. C.

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“I am blessed to have you a as a part of my dad’s life this past year. Please know you both gave him a wonderful life beyond everyone’s expectations.

The extraordinary attention to care by you and the team, loving support, conversations, providing his favorite foods… and those restaurant outings!

You became an extended family. I can’t imagine how I would have made it through the last couple of months without you and the team’s support. Every step of the way, you were positive and reassured me of his care.

Words can not express the gratitude I feel to have had you as part of my dad’s life and my family. Our bond is forever and fortunate to have met you both. ”

– L. F.

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“Seeing my mom with happiness warms my heart. I wish you and Americare success and hope as you expand you will maintain your philosophy and open heart to care for others. I have sadness in my heart, but am grateful to know others saw my mom’s true spirit despite her Alzheimer’s disease. ”

– D. L.
